May Newsletter
New Regional Lands Consortium works to protect the Taconics
As we Taconic Hiking Club (THC) members know, the Taconics are part of the Appalachian mountain chain and form a “spine” along the borders of Massachusetts, New York, Vermont and Connecticut.
A dozen or so groups that work within this area have teamed up to create the Berkshire-Taconic Regional Conservation Partnership (BTRCP) to work together on conservation across boundaries. The partnership consists of land trusts like Berkshire Natural Resource Council (BNRC), Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation (WRLF) and the Columbia Land Conservancy (CLC), nonprofits like Mass Audubon and the Trustees of Reservations, and public agencies.
They consider this regional treasure of intact forested lands as being at risk for fragmentation and development. They believe conserving the important places in this region is vital for tourism, the economy, forestry, farming, and public health.
BTRCP shares many of the same goals and interests as the THC. One of THC’s Board members is represented on the consortium through various land trusts and makes sure THC is a well-known and a strong participant in discussions for protection of the Taconic Crest Trail and its access routes.
BTRCP brings many strengths to the table, including a knowledge of the landscape, its parcel ownership, and its history, and is keen on pursuing grants for protection. The THC is regarded as an important source of “eyes and ears” on the landscape. In addition, the THC is partnering on outings with other members of BTRCP like the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance and the Rensselaer Land Trust.
Visit their website to find out more at or email
Volunteer Opportunity
Interested in helping the club by maintaining the THC membership spreadsheet? It only takes about an hour a month in 5 – 10 minute increments, more during renewal season. You would enter new member information, update renewal information, and other related tasks. All you need are good data entry skills and ability to use a basic Excel spreadsheet and have a personal computer. If interested contact Martha Waldman at or Karen Ross at
Upcoming Outings
For the most up to date information and details check the Outings page of the Taconic Hiking Club website. Also check out the THC Facebook page to see pictures from past outings! See you on the trail!
• Thursday, May 2, 2019: TCT Trail Work—southern section
• Saturday, May 4: TCT Series - Petersburg Pass to north end in North Petersburg
• Wednesday, May 8: Stockbridge Trails—Laura’s Tower, Ice Glen, and Mary Flynn Trail
• Saturday, May 18: Schodack Island Paddle
• Tuesday, May 21: Greylock Mt., MA.
• Wednesday, May 29 - Tyringham Cobble, & AT: Shaker Series
• Saturday, June 1: National Trails Day at Grafton Lakes State Park
• Monday, June 3: Steepletop, New Marlborough, MA: Joint outing with BNRC
• Sunday, June 9: THC Annual PICNIC at Grafton Lakes State Park.
TCT in a Year Hike Series, 2019 Sponsored RLT, RPA and THC:
1) May 4 - Petersburg Pass to Snow Hole and on to north end in North Petersburgh.
2) June 29 - Petersburg Pass to Berlin Mountain and on to Southeast Hollow in Berlin
3) July 13 - Southeast Hollow to Mattison Hollow in Cherry Plain
4) August 10 - Mattison Hollow to Robinson Hollow in Stephentown
5) September 7 - Robinson Hollow to Madden Road in Hancock, MA
6) October 5 - Potter Road in Hancock, MA to south end near New Lebanon
Tree fungus seen along Taconic Crest Trail