Trail Patches
The club offers two colorful trail patches for anyone who hikes the TCT from end-to-end.
A cumulative end to end trail patch is awarded to those who hike the entire 37 miles over any period through spring, summer or fall. This can be done with any number of day trips using the beautiful access trails, in two or three days, or as an ultra, unsupported 37 mile one-day hike.
A separate patch is available for those who complete the trail in the winter months
The End to End Endurance Challenge One Day Patch
This badge of honor is awarded to those who complete the End-to-End Challenge, a biennial 30-mile hiking endurance challenge event that runs from Berry Pond in Pittsfield State Forest in MA to Rte. 346 in NY. Club members who complete the "1 Day" also receive the "Bloody Foot" award. For more information, see "End to End Challenge" page.
Earn A Patch! To receive the Summer or Winter patches:
Complete and submit the attached Trail Logs.
Include a check made out to the club in the amount noted on the application.
Taconic Hiking Club Summer Trail Patch
Taconic Hiking Club Winter Trail Patch