June Newsletter 2020
Unnamed beaver pond along the Taconic Crest Trail in Pittsfield State Forest. Pic by M Waldman
Outings: Update and Protocols
It is a strange year to be a “hiking” club and not be able to lead any hikes. Normally this would be the “Summer Bulletin”, filled with a variety of hikes, cycles, and paddles for the next 3 – 4 months. When it is prudent to lead outings again, we will be posting them monthly instead of seasonally for flexibility. Outings for July (if we can lead any) will be posted on the outings page of the website before the July 1 newsletter goes out. So, stay tuned!
We have developed outing protocols for social distancing, so we are prepared to safely lead outings. Highlights include: group size will be limited to 8, we will not arrange carpooling, the outings will be local/regional and each participant will need to have a face covering and use it when 6 feet of distance from another person cannot be maintained. The protocols are subject to updating and will be posted with the outings.
TCT Cumulative “Summer” Trail Patches
The trail is getting a lot more foot traffic than normal. People in the area are discovering the trail for the first time! In fact, we have already issued 16 summer cumulative end to end patches this year. While the majority are doing the trail in several sections, enjoying all the access trails, others are taking one to three days to complete the trail. Regardless, from the comments received they all appear to have an enjoyable time!
Are you interested in taking on the fun and challenge of hiking the entire 37 miles over any period of time through spring, summer or fall and receiving a Taconic Crest Trail cumulative ‘summer’ patch? You can find the application on the trail patch page of the website and how to obtain a map on the map page of the website.
Trail Maintenance
Trail work has been on going. The entire trail has been patrolled and is in good shape for the summer, except that a mile or so in one of the harder to reach sections is still scheduled to be patrolled. With the May 9 snow fall and inability to organized larger work crews due to the pandemic the work has been going a bit slower than normal. Sometimes it seems as soon as a section is cleared a major windstorm blows through and litters the trail again! Many thanks to our trail stewards.
Snow on May 9? That was when we were supposed to hold the End to End event!!! I guess it was not meant to be this year!
A gallery of May views, wild life and wild flowers
The frog mating frenzy was late this year, but they finally got their act in gear, leaving behind zillions of eggs. Pic by K Ross.
Hang gliders celebrate Memorial Day weekend on Greylock summit. Pic by K Ross.
Exploring Ragged Mtn. Pic by K Ross
Fringed Polygala. Pic by M Waldman
Painted Trillium on TCT. Pic by M Waldman.
This grouse was “ruffled” when we hiked along the trail (TCT). Obviously she built her nest too close to the trail! Pic by M Waldman.
A pleasant find while bushwhacking in the Catskills. Pic by L Siegard.
Catskill stream, nice spot to relax! Pic by L Siegard.
Escaping the heat on the first 90 degree day. Pic by L Siegard.
Yellow Violets on TCT. Pic by M Waldman
Violets on TCT. Pic by M Waldman
If you take a share-worthy picture while hiking this June and wish to share it in the next newsletter, please email a full resolution copy of it to taconichikingclb@gmail.com (no “u” in club). Include the caption text and your name for credit.