January Newsletter 2020
2019 Accomplishments!
The Taconic Hiking Club (THC) has been very active in 2019. Here are the highlights of our activities and achievements.
We began the year with a new website.
We complete the year with 254 memberships.
The first monthly newsletter was published last January, we have been updating members on a monthly basis since then. Newsletters are archived on the website.
An online payment system for memberships and renewals, accepting credit card or PayPal payments, went live early in the year on the THC website.
Over 60 outings were offered, including hikes, snowshoes, cross-country skiing, cycling and paddling.
542 trail work volunteer hours were recorded, this includes 440 hours on the trail and 102 travel hours. A new reroute was completed on the TCT, just south of the Mattison Hollow junction.
A sleek new, digitally produced THC tri-fold display was made to promote the THC at events. Come see it at the Grafton Lakes State Park Winterfest on Jan. 25!
Approximately 38 volunteers were recognized and awarded THC Volunteer T shirts.
Fourteen cumulative TCT “summer” patches were awarded and two winter patches were awarded. Four of the 14 persons hiked the entire trail in one day.
The annual Creative Retirement Hiking class was very successful, with all 12 participants attending the final class hike to the Snow Hole.
An online registration system, Eventbrite, was used for the first time to allow participants to register and pay for the End to End Challenge online. The 25 slots were filled within three hours.
The Club has reached out to other organizations to maintain and cultivate collaborative efforts to protect and advocate for the Taconic Crest Trail. Read more about our partnerships in the “Who are Our Partners” article in next month’s newsletter.
The club is fortunate to have some terrific volunteers whom make all this possible. Many thanks to all THC volunteers!!! by Martha Waldman
Grafton Lakes State Park Winter Fest 2020, Saturday, January 25:
Reminder! Once again, the Taconic Hiking Club will be promoting the Club at a table in the new Welcome Center!
This time we will have our slick new, digitally produced, trifold display. Come see it!
Volunteers are invited to staff the THC information table in shifts of two hours from 10:00 to 4:00 and to lead a couple of short snowshoe outings at the park. This is a great time to meet other outdoor enthusiasts! There will also be plenty of other winter activities and booths you can enjoy if/when you are not volunteering.
Contact: Karen Ross, kcoyross@aol.com or 518 794-7474, to volunteer!
Winter Fest 2019, Grafton Lakes State Park Welcome Center
Membership renewals
We will be emailing dues reminders in January directly to members that are overdue for renewals. If you know you still need to renew you may renew online or by mail. Be sure to update changes in your contact information: email, phone or address. If you have already renewed, THANK YOU!!!!!
To renew a membership by credit card or PayPal, go to the membership page of the Taconic Hiking Club website, or click here https://taconichikingclub.org/membership
To renew by mail, make out a check payable to the “Taconic Hiking Club” in the amount of $10. (per person). Send completed check to:
Taconic Hiking Club
Sue Jordan - Membership Chair
276 South Manning Blvd
Albany, NY 12208
Winter Fest 2019, Grafton Lakes State Park
Upcoming Outings
Check the current Bulletin or the Outings page of the website for complete details, note there have been updates since the Bulletin was published. Also check out the Taconic Hiking Club Facebook page to see pictures from past outings! See you on the trail!
Winter is upon us: occasionally an outing leader may post a snowshoe or cross-country ski outing a week or two before the date, planning for optimum conditions. Be sure to check the website periodically for new listings.
Saturday, January 11: Windham High Peak B
Saturday, January 11: St. Regis Canoe Area - Ski (B)
Thursday, January 23: Kinderhook Preserve, East Nassau NY C 4 miles
Saturday, January 25: Grafton Lakes State Park Winter Fest
Wednesday, January 29: Moreau Lake State Park B
Sunday February 2: Huckleberry Point, Elka Park (Catskills) C+
Friday, February 7: Dyken Pond Environmental Center, Cropseyville, NY C 4-5 miles
NEW Saturday, February 8: Art Omi, Ghent, NY B (C if walking)
Monday, February 24: Wilkinson Trail B-
NEW DATE Saturday, March 7: Grafton State Park, Grafton NY C 5+ miles
Sunday March 8: Lost Pond and Berrymill Pond, Ticonderoga B
NEW DATE: Friday, March 13: Prospect Mtn. XC
Saturday, Mar 21: Tongue Mountain Traverse B
Cherry Plain State Park