February Newsletter 2020
Who are Our Partners?
The Taconic Hiking Club (THC) has reached out to other organizations to cultivate collaborative efforts to protect and advocate for the Taconic Crest Trail throughout 2019. In addition to working closely with state agencies like NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) in New York State and MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in Massachusetts, THC has joined partnerships with other nonprofits to offer outings, work on regional conservation and recreation planning efforts involving the Taconic ridge, conduct trail maintenance, and address critical and ongoing issues.
In the past year a representative of THC has attended the Berkshire Taconic Regional Conservation Partnership (BTRCP) meetings. Sponsored and supported by the Columbia Land Conservancy, this partnership is a collaborative effort by 15 land trusts from four states that are working on cross-border protection and recreation efforts. The Taconic Crest Trail is a central and critical landscape feature in this venture. See http://taconics.org/
Two representatives from the Club attended the Taconic Trails Council meeting. This group is made up of representatives from THC, Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation (WRLF), NYS DEC, MA DCR, Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC), HooRWA, and managers of Hopkins Memorial Forest. Some of the topics currently being addressed are ATV use of the Taconic Crest Trail and state forests, the Berlin Mountain access restoration project with WRLF and Williams College (Berlin Mountain Recreation Area), and the possible extension of the Taconic Crest Trail south into Bates Memorial State Forest over Perry’s Peak and through BNRC’s Hollow Fields Reserve.
We continue to maintain a relationship with the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) in conservation issues and with the ADK Albany Chapter and the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Mohawk Hudson Chapter with trail work on the TCT.
THC joined forces with the Rensselaer Plateau Alliance (RPA) and the Rensselaer Land Trust (RLT) to offer a series of weekend outings called “The TCT in a Year Series.” Volunteer leaders from THC, RPA and RLT led hikes once a month that covered sections of the Crest Trail from Rt. 346 in Vermont to Rt. 20 in Hancock. Many new hikers came out for these outings.
Trail work 2019 (Photo by M Waldman)
Berkshire Natural Resources Council (BNRC) and THC held joint outings on the Burbank Trail from Olivia’s Overlook at Yokun Ridge and to Steepletop in New Marlborough, MA. BNRC Outreach Director Mariah Auman scheduled a joint trail workday with THC in November, but because of an early winter rain followed by a freeze this had to be rescheduled for the Spring of 2020. Watch for the notice and come out and volunteer!
THC invited representatives from various land trusts to attend THC Board meetings. Don Campbell from the Vermont Land Trust (VLT), Rob Terry from Merck Forest and Farmland Center (MFFC), and Eric White from WRLF attended THC board meetings. All three were interested in collaborative efforts to extend, steward, and protect access to the Taconic Crest Trail.
Burbank Trail Outing (photo by participant)
Our partnership with the Friends of Grafton Lakes is going strong. At the Grafton Winterfest in January 2019, THC volunteers greeted attendees, distributed literature, displayed pictures and maps of the Club and trail, and chatted with both the Friends of Grafton Lake State Park, other vendors, and representatives of other land trust and outdoor recreation organizations at the event.
Our “Hiking for the Newly Retired Class” is sponsored by Hudson Valley Community College (HVCC). The college lists the class in their “Creative Retirement” curriculum, and they advertise and provide a classroom for the first day of the class.
These connections offer mutual benefits of support for each other’s missions, ideas for the future, and creative solutions to problems of access and protection. We feel very lucky to be welcomed into these cross-state organizations and to be recognized and applauded for our knowledge of on-the-ground trail conditions and surroundings and for our commitment to trail maintenance, thanks to our cadre of dedicated volunteers. Of course, everyone loves our maps! by Karen Ross
Grafton Lakes State Park Winter-fest 2020
Once again the THC had a table at the Grafton Lakes State Park Winter-fest to promote the club. There was a very good turnout regardless of the rain and wind forecast for the afternoon. It was definitely a cheerful and colorful group of volunteers representing the THC! (See additional photos on the THC Facebook page. Pictures by K. Ross)
Upcoming Outings
Check the current Bulletin or the Outings page of the website for complete details, note there have been updates since the Bulletin was published. Also check out the Taconic Hiking Club Facebook page to see pictures from past outings! See you on the trail!
Occasionally an outing leader may post a snowshoe or cross-country ski outing a week or two before the date, planning for optimum conditions. Be sure to check the website periodically for new listings.
Sunday February 2: Huckleberry Point, Elka Park (Catskills) C+
Friday, February 7: Dyken Pond Environmental Center, Cropseyville, NY C 4-5 miles
Saturday, February 8: Art Omi, Ghent, NY. B (C if walking)
NEW Wednesday, February 12, Grafton Lakes State Park, Grafton NY, C 4.5+ miles
Monday, February 24: Wilkinson Trail B-
Saturday, March 7: Grafton State Park, Grafton NY C 5+ miles
Sunday March 8: Lost Pond and Berrymill Pond, Ticonderoga B
Friday, March 13: Prospect Mtn. XC
Saturday, March 21: Tongue Mountain Traverse B
End to End Challenge: Saturday, May 9
Picnic: Sunday, May 31
Lake Bonita, Moreau Lakes State Park outing (photo by M Waldman)
Lake Ann, Moreau Lakes State Park outing (photo by M Waldman)
Kinderhook Creek Preserve outing (photo by S Bonk)